Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Politics.. Shmolitics, This is important too.

Congratulations! You have just opened a piece of writing that will not include political garbage. Do you not feel like you have won the lottery? That political stuff is not Sarah. Sarah is a goofball that plays her role in society very well.. I am a mother with a great husband.. a terrific family, and a constant dream for greatness. I am not into politics.. What I am into.. is far beyond what can change history. I do apprectate the ones that stand their ground.. and stand up for what they believe in. I belive in things.. many things actually. I won't share those. You don't really care. You care about the shenanigans that my life entails.. well maybe you do. If not.. im sorry for filling your brain with worthless blah blah blahs. I am here for that reason though. My best trait.. aside from my overly colored red hair.. is my marvelous mouth (as my mother would say.) So let us lighten the political mood with something that is also important. Holiday decorations.

There are 3 types of holiday decorators. I am number one.. and I'll save that description for last. #2 is the, "I have done enough" decorator. This person.. is the one that will decorate for the holidays(most of them) with a small amount of effort. Umm... this could be in the form of a wreath, a table scape (for all of you novice decorators, this is a table landscape involving something reguarding the holiday,) or a random decoration, that your mom gave you, that you set out every year on this holiday. Nothing wrong with this type. Then there is the, "I'm good" decorator. You know who you are.. and you don't care that I am calling you out right now. You don't feel the need to decorate for anything. You like your house and life just the way it is. There is no need to fly your Christmas flag.. we all know you know it's Christmas. If we didn't have you, we wouldn't have someone to break up the monotony of the other types of decorators. This brings me to.. the number one type of decorator. Now, I will go ahead and admit that this really is me. Before I go into detail, I will tell you how I got this way. hummm.. ok. umm.. ok I really don't know. I did have a friend growing up, whose mom was a type 1 decorator. She was always ready to get out her next round of décor. I always thought she was so cool. So maybe this wonderful woman inspired me to be like her.. because I am definitely not like my mom. Mother is a type 2 decorator... and I do believe she even got to this level because of me. But me.. shewww.. y'all. Sometimes I wonder why I try so hard. Something happens to me when a new holiday or event approaches. I get this tickle in my chest that just gets me so antsy, I cant even handle it. (It is February 15th and Valentine's Day stuff came down today.. hello St.Patrick's Day.) My college friends can attest to my crazy holiday decorating. I had one friend that always said my apartment, "threw up" on holidays. I like my table decorated, my house covered in some sort of holiday garb, and my THREE holiday appropriate  garden and house flags a flyin." Husband gets annoyed trying to eat dinner around heart garland, or a cornucopia of perfectly selected pumpkins. This is who I am people... and I am not ashamed to be this way.

So, now you know. Now you know why I am not marching on Washington or starting arguments on Facebook. I am simply too busy stringing Valentine garland on my Valentine tree. You may think I don't have my country's back, or that I am just another woman setting quiet when all this stuff is going on. Well.. I am doing my part. I am being supportive in my way. I do not need an outlet to express my political views. I fly my American flag and I cover my house in the best stars every year. I am proud of my country and the people that fight for it. I just stay out of the madness, when I can.. I have my own madness going on. I mean.. it is a month from St. Patrick's day and I cant find shamrock confetti anywhere. ugghh...

I have a few more recipes for you all out there that are interested in some REAL tried and tested healthy recipes. Just an update.. Our lifestyle changes are going strong.. I'm down 14 pounds in a little over a month. It is crazy how strong willpower can be. Here are just  a few things we have made recently to keep us on track.

Spinach Pizza Crust.
This was super easy. You will need a food processor or good blender. I got this recipe from

It turned out great.. If you have any questions about it.. feel free to ask me. I did it twice, to make sure it turned out right.
 HEALTHY Potato wedges. SO Gooooooooooood.

Baked Garlic Parmesan Potato Wedges

Prep time
Cook time
  • 3-4 large russet potatoes, sliced into wedges
  • 4 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
  • ½ cup shredded parmesan cheese
  • optional: fresh parsley

  1. Preheat oven to 375. Lightly grease a large baking sheet and set aside.
  2. Place potato wedges in a large bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and toss to coat. In a small bowl whisk together salt, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning. Sprinkle potato wedges with the shredded cheese, tossing to coat, then sprinkle with the seasoning mixture.
  3. Place potato wedges on prepared baking sheet in a single layer with skin-sides-down. Bake for 25-35 minutes until potatoes are fork-tender and golden. Sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley and dressing for dipping.

Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

New Year, New You..

Every year, since I was old enough to realize I had on chubby jeans, I have been dieting. I mean like I have probably done them all.  I have stopped eating carbs, I have eaten one cracker a day(dumb), I have done slim fast (this kinda worked), I even attempted to create my own diet in high school.. I called this the Super Donut diet.. Now I am sure you know all about the super donuts. They were one of the only things served in schools that didn't taste like the container it was packaged in. Man oh man, did I love those warm cinnamon and sugar donuts. I, of course, had to make them into a diet.. they were served at school you know, they must be healthy. Well, 7 days in I gained 4 pounds and pretty sure I got a cavity. It was a good thought.
The best one.,. and most recently, I found a "butter" diet in a magazine that pretty much won me over in the first 30 seconds.. butter, on a diet.. I'll take that! All I had to do was eat grass fed cow butter for every meal.. including my morning coffee.. and I would lose 65 pounds in 3 months! Wahoo.. finally! The diet gods have answered my prayers. So, I set out to find this magic butter. After a few stops.. there it was.. Calling my name.. "Sarah, moooo, Sarah,, moo" I mean come on.. I don't know what it was saying.. it was from a cow, and it was calling my name,. that's all I got.. Any who.. I brought it home, already feeling skinnier from this magic cow potion. The next morning I told husband about my newest diet endeavor. He is usually pretty supportive, he knows I want to have my pre-baby body back. However, he wasn't nearly as excited about my butter diet. He said.. "so let me get this straight.. you are going to put butter in your coffee and lose weight." I mean to me.. it sounded perfect. Again he brings a very important part of the diet to my attention.. "Sarah, you don't drink coffee." I mean I knew that.. but I could start drinking coffee, if I could put butter in it. Again.. husband tries to rationalize, "Let me give you a couple choices.. and you choose which one is the healthy or not healthy." Well I love games.. but I knew he had some direction he was going.. however, I let him be wise (for a moment ;)) "Ok a salad with light dressing." "Healthy," I shouted."" Regular exercise, he stated." Again I said healthy.. and I may have rolled my eyes.. "Lean Chicken?" Again.. I said healthy. less excited and less into this new game.. and finally, "Putting butter in your coffee." Ok. I decided not to answer. He made his point. HE wins.. but I brushed him off (which sometimes I do, :) ) and prepared my butter coffee. You know in movies where they have the spit takes.. I created my own. Gosh, coffee sucks and butter is not good in coffee. What kind of grass did they feed those cows? ugghh... I knew I couldn't choke it down. Instead of powering through.. I ended the reign of the butter diet. I did, however, have great grilled cheese for awhile with all that good butter. ;)

Ok.. so I am supposed to be inspiring you.. Let me get back to that. Like I was saying, I am a yo-yo dieter. So, this year for my New Year's resolution I decided to end that. Yes, I am losing weight.. yes, I am working out almost everyday.. but this year, I am getting healthy. I am changing the way I eat. I can't promise I won't cheat every so often.. (I just cant totally give up Taco Bell forever..I refuse that one.) I am saying that I will make much better choices about what I put in my body. So, since I love to cook.. I have really enjoyed re-teaching myself ways to make my favorite things, but in a healthier manner. This has been the secret to my new body beginnings.

Here are a couple recipes I have made in the past few weeks that have helped us stay on track. You can always adjust certain things to adapt to your pallet. These can just get you started.

Until next time my fine feathered friends.

Dessert.. ( I adapted this from multiple different recipes)

Strawberry Sorbet
You need a food processor or good blender for this one

4 cups of frozen strawberries (they have to be frozen)
1/3 cup of honey
half of a lemon squeezed (about 2 tablespoons of juice)
1-2 teaspoons of stevia (about 2 packets)
1/4 cup milk (whatever you prefer)

Put all ingredients into processor or blender and turn on high for 2-4 minutes. You may have to stop and stir midway through. Once it is a very smooth consistency, you can serve immediately, or put in a freezable container.

Dinner.. Makes about 24
Spinach Won-Ton Ravioli
Most of these measurements are estimated. I just make stuff up as I go. :) But, they can't be messed up

2 cups cooked spinach. Fresh is best. (Also, you must squeeze all the water out as best you can.)
1 pint of part skim Ricotta cheese
1/2 cup of parmesan cheese
2 eggs
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
salt and pepper to taste
won ton wrappers

Preheat oven to 350.
Combine cooked drained spinach, ricotta, parmesan cheese and 1 egg until well blended. Add a pinch of salt and pepper and Italian seasoning. If you like some spice, you can throw in some red pepper flakes.
Take your other egg and blend with a little water.
Brush your egg mixture on the edges of a wonton wrapper. Spoon your filling into the middle of the wrapper. I would say about a teaspoon of filling is best. cover the wrapper with a another wrap and press the edges until sealed. (A little tip, while pressing your ravioli.. begin around the filling and work outwards to avoid bubbles. You could even fork press the edges if you want the ravioli look.)
Continue with the rest of your filling. You will have wrappers left over. This will make about 24 or so ravioli.
Now here is the part you can decide how you want to cook them. You can drop your ravioli into SALTED boiling water and cook them this way.  Do them about 4-5 at a time...about 3-4 minutes is good.
You can also bake them. This is how we like them. As you make the ravioli, place them onto a lightly greased baking sheet. Throw them in the oven for about 10-15 minutes. This really all depends on your oven. When you see them crisping up, they are finished. We like ours super crispy, so we can pick them up and dip them into the sauce.. so this is your personal call.
You can serve these with a homemade marinara or store bought pasta sauce.

*If you don't like spinach, you could literally use any kind of filling, and these would be great. The key for this recipe is that, the won ton wrappers are low in calories, versus that of pasta. You can make your flavors whatever you like. *

I'll continue to post more of our favorite recipes.. Hope you enjoy these. :)

Just a little.. PSA before I wrap up this one.. Influenster is a free app that can get you enrolled in product reviews. I just recently started doing this.. and kinda love it. You get to review all kinds of products you use, answer questions.. etc. They will send you coupons for free stuff and you just have to use them and tell about it. Way to easy. Anyways.. this connects because, I have been getting free coupons for healthy food!! Win. win. Check it out. You could get something for free that could jump start your own weight loss journey. :)

Monday, January 9, 2017

O.P.P- Obsessive Party Planning

Everyone has their obsessive thing. Some people are obsessed over keeping a clean house, while others are always up in arms about how clean their cars are **cough*husband*cough drives me nutty*, cough. ** It is just in our human nature to have at least one thing we kind of ,"Obsess" over. Well, I am one of you guys. I am also an obsessed American. I  may have more than a couple.. or a few.. or you know.. I probably need medicated over mine. But, I deal with them in my own way.. and then I drive everyone else crazy over them :) So, I bet you are really like dying to know what they are.. Ehh..I'll reveal my oddities over time.. but today.. I will talk about the one that all of my friends and family know of. This is the one that effects them the most (not the one about me not sleeping under the covers: yeah I will tell you that one another day) but the one that is very evident in group functions. Party planning.

So, I am a party planner. Wow. That feels so great to get off my chest. I plan parties to the T. Scratching your head? Wondering why that is a problem.. we all plan parties Sarah... if we didn't.. would there be a party? Well folks. I have party binders. I have food planners. I may or may not, have timelines for each task that needs completed. I may start planning these parties before anyone can even care about having a party. This is a sickness. I am seeing a specialist. His initials are OCD.. and he is busy flipping the light switch, or I would get an eye witness account.
 **(PS. I am in no way poking fun or trying to offend anyone with any kind of disorder.. This is for entertainment purposes.. and onlyto make fun of myself. Love ya, kid. )**
I truly just love having the most perfect events. This was post was initially inspired by the fact that the Super Bowl is coming up.. and that my friends.. is like my very own Super Bowl. I have themed food and drinks.. and go all out with my football décor. I don't really know why I care so much.. but gosh all mighty.. I do.

I've kind of always had this in my wheel house.. Planning my own birthdays, (pathetic right.. well, they were perfect. :) ) having big shindigs for my Barbies (man they had the best fake weddings) and of course.. in college... Those going away and welcome back parties were always on point. It is a gift.. and probably one I got at a party.. see what I did there. Lol. ;)

My friends somehow always get wrapped into my disasters. They get frustrated, get bossed around until the point of breaking, and usually give up or defriend me on Facebook before the event begins. I have determined I am a one woman show. Husband really tries sometimes.. he got kicked to the curb after a "make these pigs in a blanket into spiders" incident. They were not spiders, and they were not good enough for my Halloween party. He survived.. and the spiders were canned. Sorry guys, you lose.

To sum up.. no I will not plan your party. You' will want to have my killed by an assassin. Yes, I will allow you to make fun of my binders for every planned event (yes even Thanksgiving, pal. ) I also would like to say. I am not the only one out there. I know there is someone reading this with their hands in the air thanking the good Lord for a person just like them. Find me on Facebook girrrrll. Until next time America. Party hard, and then put it in your binder.

Friday, January 6, 2017

I wuv you, mommy

Being a mom was something I have always aspired to be. I knew from the time I was a little squirt, that I wanted a slew of my own little squirts someday. I was born with this ability to just mom everything and everyone. It is funny how some things can seem to prepare you for your future as a caregiver.

After seeing Toy Story as a youngster, I was changed forever.. gosh that movie did something to me. I could never see my toys as just toys ever again. From that day on.. probably for a few months, if not more, I slept with EVERY single "livable" toy I had. My full size bed contained at least 20 Barbies, rows of baby dolls tucked into covers, stuffed animals (from every claw machine in the area), and of course my blankster. I have no clue how I ever slept with all that crap in my bed. There was literally no room for me to even roll over. It was a huge undertaking to take care of all of those lives, but I took on the task for two reasons..( 1.) I knew they needed a good mother, and I was going to make sure they all felt special no matter how uncomfortable I was. ( 2.) I didn't want all those creatures talking crap about me when I was gone. I was afraid one would turn on me. I wasn't about to let that happen.

Looking back now I can see what I was doing. I was preparing to be a mom. Preparation for the uncomfortable nights in bed with somebody that wasn't going to budge, another billion stuffed animals ..because of course my child also has that same sickness, and the lack of warmth.. because  the blankets are being utilized by an oversized Mickey Mouse.

Those moments really do shape you. I mothered all my friends in college, (they may say I bossed them.)  I mean my nickname was . I lived in the house or apartment that was always clean and smelled of grandmas chicken and biscuits. You went to parties and came back to my house, because you knew there would be some kind of cookies in the oven. That was just always my thing, and I am so glad that it was.

Being a wife and mother is not easy. The child always needs something ..chicky nuggets, more pretzels, apple sauce, an education.. (<---important).etc., The husband is always looking for answers.. Where is that one piece of paper I had in my hand a week ago, that I set right here in the middle of the kitchen counter? Where is that shirt I took off yesterday and put on Jonah's trampoline? Do you know what happened to those one boots, that were tracking mud all over the house,  that I took off in the middle of the floor? I mean.. WOW. But reguardless of all the ridiculousness.. I wouldn't want it any other way. (Except for maybe the ability to call husbands stuff when it is lost, and ask for its location)

I am so glad that I had a mother and mamaw that were there to set the perfect motherly examples for me. I am so grateful for them. I am so thankful to have such a wonderfully loving and understanding husband. My child.. is the reason I carry on. He is my heart. At night, when he grabs my hand and says," I wuv you mommy," I know that all of my preparation has  paid off. I am that mother he needs.. and that mother that I have always wanted to be. Thanks Buzz and Woody..To infinity and beyond.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Look Ma.. I can sew!

One thing you need to know about me is I love starting new hobbies. The joy of learning something new and being able to teach myself a new trick or trade.. just really warms my crafty soul. I have always been that kind of person too. At a young age I made worry dolls. Definition: Clothes pins wrapped in thread with weird hair glued to them. Gosh I loved making those creepy little guys. I thought for sure that someday I would be running a multimillion dollar worry doll company. But, what I didn't know as a 10 year old aspiring wooden stick wrapper was.. there really isn't a market for such craft. So.. I packed up my string, threw a rug over my marker ruined carpet, pulled apart my glued fingers, and set out looking for my next craft mission. I, of course, went through all of the craft phases.. friendship bracelets, those weird beads you melt together to make a picture.. and of course everyone's  favorite. sand art. I swear every window seal in our house had stacked sand in some container that nobody really knew what its shape was. No matter the phase, or you know when I "grew up," I kept my love for hobbies rolling strong... even through high school. Hey, somebody has to decorate for those gaudy dances. ;)

College was a weird time for my hobbies. I was in interior design school.. so the crafting possibilities were endless. The classes gave me my tons of room to stretch my skill sets. I glued and created until I was blue in the face.. which was probably blue paint that got away from me. I, of course, later on, got my teaching degree.. which was just forever honing my bossing abilities and my unique way of turning a wire coat hanger into a planetarium.
I could seriously rattle on and on about this.. crafting: my only area of expertise, but I will spare you from all the pleasantries. This is about one hobby. The one that stands the test of time. The one hobby that dates back centuries.. and that is.................wood carving. Uhhh.. not... not this chick. I will steer clear of that one.  I am talking about sewing! I am sure you already "pieced" that together though. Hummmmm.. a sewing joke. Maybe. Did you get it? I don't know. Jokes weren't my hobby, clearly.

I have ALWAYS wanted to be able to sew. I mean like, when I was gluing my worry dolls together and make these elaborate outfits from string.. I could only imagine how great they would look in sewed masterpieces. But, I never took the time to really focus on that. Now that I am a wife and mother, I thought to myself. Self.. you must sew. So, being a compliant person (husband would laugh at that) I got my first sewing machine. I of course watched a truckload of YouTube videos, and was very attentive through the instructional dvd that came with the machine. I knew I could do it..
Bobbin, Check. Thread. Check. Foot peddle. Favorite part. Check. And you know, all that other sewing jargon I won't bore you with (partly because I have already forgotten it.)

Alrighty Sarah.. you are ready to sew.. My first project, Christmas ornaments for Jonah's little felt  tree. After about 40 hours.. (yeah it seemed like it) The sweat dripped from my brow, I smelled like a bag of Cheetos, my hands were shaking, my eyes were bulged out from trying to thread that dumb needle, and I was so on edge that my family almost skipped Christmas. When I finally finished it was 2020 and we were living in a spaceship.. Ok yeah kidding. But seriously, IT took forreevveerrrrrr. Afterwards  they looked GREAT. yeah right. lol.. they were a messssss. I did the best job I could have.. what did I do wrong?? I guess I am just not cut out for this sewing business.
So, I packed up my latest hobby.. and decided to take a break for awhile.. well at least until I could see again. ;)

You know that feeling when you hit that perfect find at a thrift store.. It is like the stars aligned just for you. Well in my case, It was a perfect hunter green suit for Jonah. The perfect size, and barely worn. I'll take that. Thank you $6 for buying me this perfect little thing. I realized after the initial try on, the pants are going to need hemmed. They were WAYYYYYyyy too long.. and our kid is a giant. Clearly tiny suits run different than every other type of clothes. How would I do this? Oh wait!! Lightbulb! I can hem pants! (said with sheer confidence)  I am a seamstress you know.. So I blow the dust off of ole Bessie (It had been two weeks, maybe I should dust more) get out all of my tools, and prepare for my biggest project yet.

After 3 broken needles, 2 band aids, a few choice words thought up in my head, oh and a tear that just got stuck on my cheek.. I finished my first hemming. They looked great! Ok.. you know I'm kidding right. I could never do this.. and for some reason.. my blind stupidity made me thing I could. I ripped the seam from both pants legs.. sewed one leg to the other, shortened one leg by about 7", and put about 4 billion holes in these perfect hunter green pants.. I came to a gut wrenching and stark reality. I really can't sew. Needless to say, the pants are now in a hefty trash bag somewhere in the Ohio River.. (PSA: I did not litter.)

The moral of this story.. No matter how much confidence you have, you probably can't sew... :)
Carol Brady 1    Sarah 0

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year.. New Post.. 2 years in the making. :)

So when a person is stranded on a desert island, they start their daily journals (you know if they were lucky enough to be shipwrecked with a #2 pencil and a fresh pad of paper) with something like.. It has been 12 hours since my last entry.. or the moon is in the left quadrant, so it must be Tuesday. Or you know.. whatever way to make you not feel better about the fact you are stranded and writing a letter to yourself. Wellllll.. I feel like I should start this blog post the same way......

It has been 2 years, 10 months, and 7 days since my last entry.
Gosh that seems so insane! Life catches you up sometimes and you just lose track of time.. and in this case.. I really lost track. ;) Actually.. this was one of my many resolutions this year. I like to make like 10 resolutions each year.. This way.. if I only do half.. or only do 1...I am still doing something I wanted. So far so good. :)
So.. I may have a lot to catch you up on.. I am sure you know I have a child.. a husband who is losing all of his hair, because of me :) and a life I am very proud of. The details will come daily or weekly of this life we have. I hope to include you all in my daily undertakings.. the crazy antics I get myself into.. and well my neverending list of hobbies.

If you know me.. you know I type like a talk.. so don't hate on my grammer. lol. I want you to feel like you can hear my voice.. and if you don't know me... I sound like a hillbilly. So you can turn all of my crazy stories into a twangy mess with a good deal of Bless your hearts thrown in. That should really set the scene for ya. :)

This year I hope to inspire you, make you laugh til you cry, and let you take this walk with me in this crazy world. Until next time lovers.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The dreaded NAME CHANGE

In a perfect world, when you get married your name changes automatically. All of the paperwork is filled out for you.. and all government bows at the feet of the new Mrs. Well.. like I said.. perfect world. If I could go through my entire life without going to the DMV I would do it in a heartbeat. But before you even make it to the place where time stops.. there are 30 other hoops to jump through.. Take this here and get this from here and send it there with this.. blah blah blah. Once you get all the documents, a sense of accomplishment rushes over your body... cha ching! But now it is time for.......................................................................... the DMV.. the one place in the world where you could easily see yourself going to jail for life just to be able to blow that place up.. But regardless of the stink that places puts on your soul.. you are prepared.. you have all documents you need.. from every column and all stamped in the blood of a virgin. You wait in a line longer than that on to Noah's ark.. you are next! "Hi ma'am can I help you?" -says the grim reaper. "Yes, I need to get my name changed on my license, and have everything I am supposed to have." -grouchy Sarah.. "Ok great.. can I see your application?"-grim "Umm... application. dang, don't got that."-aggravated Sarah...  I am then handed this application and sent to the END OF THE LINE! Lord be with me... There was an older man behind me that had it all right.. " My lands aint it a mess how much crap ya gotta bring to dis place to be able to operate a darn car.. I got my birth certificate that is fallin apart a sperm sample a blood sample and my name on this shirt I got on.. So if they gimme any grief Imma gonna go get my dog  and make their day. "- perturbed elder.. He made my visit so much better.. what a funny guy. Anyways.. after another 45 minutes in line, I made it to the front. Turned in all my stuff.. got the worst picture taken of my life and hit the road. So to sum up.. Its a good thing I love my hubster, because the DMV is one place I would rather throw a grenade at then conduct business.
 -Mrs. Roark. :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ohhhhhooooohhhhh Listen to the Music.

Ahhhhh music.. the thing that makes the world go round.. the one language everyone can speak.. The connection between cultures.. and the one thing in a marriage that can make you wanna throw grouchy tantrums.. Ok.. so maybe you can answer this.. Who controls the radio? The person driving or the person whos car you are in? Sometimes they are not one in the same.. but everytime, it is a fight.
I loooove country music.. It has always held a small place in my heart.. I like the twang and the easily relatable lyrics.. and of course the guys in tight in jeans.. whoops. ;) I also went through a rap and r&b phase.. I still like some of the artists.. but I don't really listen as much as I did in college.. and then there is my hubster who despises my genres and likes all of the others...... Sometimes it is a true struggle for each of us to deal with the tunes.. He likes the metal.. it makes me wanna jump off of a bridge into boiling lava.. The other stuff isn't as bad.. but I can not HANDLE that yelling music.... I am sure someone that is reading this is getting heated about my pure hatred towards that noise (oopsy) I just cant handle it.. We went to an Iron Maiden and Megadeth concert this summer in Vegas.. he was stoked and I was miserable.. I guess you do anything for love.... However.. even though we have such differences in music.. I will still love him no matter what.. Sometimes in relationships you begin to conform to their likes of certain things.... Fat Chance on this one... But I love him and will cringe and smile every time his man finger touches the radio dial. Pump up the jam pump it up...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Husband is soo Talented..

Growing up I was a pretty creative kid.. I used to make these little clothespin people, "worry dolls." While most kids were playing sports and cheering etc.. I was sitting in the middle of my floor covered in glue, ribbon, clothespins, and of course fake hair. haha. I loved making those little things.. I gave them as gifts for many years.. As I got older.. I started painting, scrapbooking, and any kind of craft I could get my chubby little hands around. I was always the creative kid.. I wish I was more athletic, but the ability to even try was a challenge..
::: OFF SUBJECT::: I played softball for one season,, I was the biggest girl on the team, tall and thick, They begged me to play.. and well I did need to try something other than hot glueing hair to sticks.. So I gave er a try.. needless to say I was TERRIBLE.. our team wasn't that great and I sure didn't improve it any. I got to base one time.. This was because a girl hurt her ankle and I ran for her.. Well then I got out. lol. I caught 1 ball.. I felt like a rockstar. And the last game, I was last to bat.. bases loaded.. we needed 1 run to win. My father was the umpire.. and he struck me out. Awesome.. Ok so moral of this embarrassing story.. Sarah is athletically challenged.
:::BACK ON SUBJECT::: Crafting and Music was my outlet to express myself and succeed.. I guess that I suffered less injury that way.. except for my field commander elbow (for you Ellie) and the feeling that I have lost in my fingers from the hot glue. Anyways, in college I decided to go into Interior Design in order to keep up my art.. After that degree.. I realized.. I will just stick to crafts..
Okay.. so onto the reason why I am telling you all this stuff..... I have found the perfect man.. He is sooooooooo talented.. He has multiple art degrees and is the most talented painter that I know. I am so proud of him everyday for his diligence towards his talent... Being an artist is hard.. He had to get a job to support him.. but he truly loves painting everyday.
When you are in search of a mate.. you never can be sure you will have enough in common to make it last forever.. But I know we got this marriage thing .. I can watch him paint all day, sitting in the corner, with my fingers glued together. Happy crafting!

Check out his Etsy page..
Studs paint..

Monday, February 10, 2014


The best part about being single is the TOTAL control of your TV and inevitable ability to find the greatest shows known to (wo)man. Once you begin dating someone you try to like everything they like.. For a chick, we start watching the Barrett Jackson Car Auction, tons of endless sports crap, hunting shows, and in my mom's case , The Weather Channel. (don't ask.) Either way.. we start forfeiting our Dance Moms addiction to watch men think that their Matchbox car collection should be in a grownup version. I guess we all think that eventually we will grow to like these things.. Well, for a man, they DO NOT begin watching the things we love. They do not care who gets the rose, if there will be any fights on the Real World, who will win The Voice, which toddler will take the ultimate grand supreme, and of course what Hoda and Kathy Lee have to say about life. Talk about DOUBLE STANDARD! But guess what ladies........ when you get married.. You still care and they still don't! My hubster is pretty good about watching my shows.. on occasion he will do an overly exaggerated inhale and exhale.. usually this is my clue to turn it off of the food network.. however, other times, he will sit through the entire episode of Cupcake wars and even root on a contestant. LOL. These are the times I am excited to watch with him. Now, don't get me wrong.. He really has turned me on to a lot of shows I NEVER would have watched before.. Walking dead, numerous horror flicks, etc. But, I will still stand strong with my picks..
So, my advice.. LISTEN UP LADIES.. Get TIVO when you get married.. Otherwise, you will miss EVERY episode of Project Runway. You have been warned.